The start of a journey into a gallery always presents an invitation to join us. Our reception points to many different rooms where we reveal our creations.
Home Smith Dams
Five stone and cement dams cross the Humber River below Dundas Street in Toronto’s Home Smith Park. Each was constructed to stem river flow as the rains upstream start to fill the Humber valley.
Quarantine in our times
Setting apart ourselves, afraid of the pestilence in our midst. Drawing a circle, stopping before the line queued our lives duck from the flying pine boughs.
Faceless man
A faceless man of hollow head has no eyes to see, ears to hear, voice to speak forces presence of absolute adoration that dupes humans.
Old lady with shawl
The old lady walking uneven, slow, her shawl draped close is chased by children picking up the cherries he drops behind. They laugh at her and spit the pits on her skirt. Each seed forms a glyph of the child.
The children dance and wave their arms and eat every cherry that falls. One by one each see their friends disappear quietly into the old lady’s skirt. Silent like a ghost image they vanish into the cloth.